Kambo Treatment
with Stephen Goterch
****Plant Medicine Offerings****
(please e-mail us for more information)

Reclaim your Health, Reclaim your Spirit…
As we evolve on our planet, correlating with an ever increasing amount of information at our footsteps, we as individuals are finding new and improved ways to heal our minds and bodies. The world is changing rapidly while it is indeed exciting times, as we can connect with other parts of the world unifying and discovering healing modalities to help usher in our own positive changes and growth.
With many gifts brought to mankind, Kambo is one particular gift that more and more people around the globe are called upon. As a society that is full of stress, where sometimes our old methods fail to show improvement, we tend to turn to alternative therapies with great success.
Kambo, a thousand year old ancient tradition, is the skin secretion from the Phyllomedusa tree frog of the upper Amazon. Full of peptides, nueropeptides and bioactive peptides, which are the building blocks to life, this modality for healing is a scientifically proven approach to achieve our higher selves putting our bodies back into balance. Year by year the numbers increase throughout the globe, regarding people seeking Kambo to treat and heal the many ailments and diseases that are brought upon us. The great tree frog from the Amazon, giving it’s medicine to the world in abundance while no harm is ever done to the frog, offers a truly revolutionary step forward for humankind.
Once we achieve this balance putting our fatigue and “Dis-ease” to rest, we can move forward making the healthy intelligent decisions that our lives deserve. Learning to calm our minds, learning effective meditation techniques, and feeding our bodies with the proper herbs and nutrients we begin a whole new chapter bringing joy into our world and the people who surround us.
Our mission statement and goals with Indigo Health Voyages is to implement a gentle yet firm holistic approach in our important healing process. Using the tools of herbalism, nutrition, sound healing, meditation, and Kambo, we provide a well balanced multi-faceted approach to meet our higher selves. With over 14 years of experience facilitating Kambo and plant medicines, it is with great excitement to share this space, learning from each other, and creating new paradigms for a better world.
Kambo comes from the rainforests of the Upper Amazon. It is the secretion of a large green frog known as the Green Monkey Tree Frog. For thousands of years, Kambo has been used as potent medicine by many tribes including the Matses, Amahuaca, Katukina, Kulina, Traditionally, Kambo, also known as Sapo, was used in three ways. Firstly as a way to cleanse, strengthen and energize the minds and bodies of the hunters. After taking Kambo they were able to run faster, have sharper senses, increase strength, lower appetite, and have deeper sleep. It was known as “Hunting Magic Medicine.” Secondly, it has been used as a medicine for Malaria, fever, infections, snakebites, and to increase immunity. Thirdly, it was used to clear away dark negative energy, fatigue and melancholy known as “Panema.” When Panema is cleared, everything becomes easier, obstacles can be overcome and life flows more naturally. Anecdotally, Kambo is also being used for fertility, behavioral correction, mental well being, sexual attraction, along with assisting the healing of an assortment of physical ailments.Yawanawa, Marubo, Nukini, and the Mayoruna.
What Happens During a Kambo Treatment Session?
On the day of treatment, you will only have a maximum of two cups of water. During the immediate preparation while we prepare the points on the body, clients then will begin to drink 2 liters of water 20 min before application.
We start with a test a single test point to see any adverse reactions which. A test point allows insights to into any potential problems or sensitivities that can be easily reversed given the small amount of Kambo applied. During the test point we observe how the body reacts in regards to your breathe rate, anxiety, skin reactions, and other sensitivities.
Soon after the client feels comfortable with no adverse reactions, we begin to apply the remainder of the secretion to the body. The initial effects come on with in one minute of application, as Kambo crosses the blood brain barrier. Patients usually feels the heart beat faster and louder while the body begins to strongly circulate blood flow. Kambo is knows as a Heart Cleanser, strengthening the heart muscle with strong vasodilation to the body. A client then may have minor sweating and flushing as the secretion begins to work within the body. During this stage we harness the healing effects as the warmth of the kambo reaches the cranial area of the body.
The second stage of kambo is when the blood pressure begins to drop, while the body is removing toxins into the bile tract. The patient normally will feel nausea and have the early stages of the purge arising. As a practitioner, we then begin to assist with helping the client purge, which is the release of accumulated toxins stored in the bile. The purge is looked at as a sacred release, removing energetic blockages and toxins. The participant also may need to use the toilet, as the body is cleansing itself and releasing toxins through the intestines. The third phase of Kambo is the rest and recovery. After the sacred purging, the body will begin to regulate with new and improved vitality and circulation. Shortly after the treatment, the client will feel refreshed and rejuvenated going about their daily tasks with a new and improved energy.
The bioactive peptides and neuropeptides present in kambo are helping people all around the globe while it is gaining and increasing in popularity year by year.
The frog’s secretion has also helped aid and give relief to complications such as…
- Depression
- Migraines
- Blood circulation problems
- Vascular insufficiency
- Organ diseases
- Skin and eyes issues
- Fertility problems
- Aid’s
- Hepatitis
- Cancer
- Brain diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s
Learn more about Stephen and his services at https://indigohealthvoyages.com/